system tools
- ruby193-mcollective-facter-facts - Puppetlabs Facter facts plugin
- ruby193-mcollective-filemgr-agent - File Manager
- ruby193-mcollective-filemgr-client - File Manager
- ruby193-mcollective-filemgr-common - File Manager
- ruby193-mcollective-iptables-agent - An agent that manipulates a specific single chain with iptables and ip6tables
- ruby193-mcollective-iptables-client - An agent that manipulates a specific single chain with iptables and ip6tables
- ruby193-mcollective-iptables-common - An agent that manipulates a specific single chain with iptables and ip6tables
- ruby193-mcollective-logstash-audit - Logstash audit plugin
- ruby193-mcollective-nettest-agent - Agent to do network tests from a mcollective host
- ruby193-mcollective-nettest-client - Agent to do network tests from a mcollective host
- ruby193-mcollective-nettest-common - Agent to do network tests from a mcollective host
- ruby193-mcollective-nrpe-agent - Agent to query NRPE commands via MCollective
- ruby193-mcollective-nrpe-client - Agent to query NRPE commands via MCollective
- ruby193-mcollective-nrpe-common - Agent to query NRPE commands via MCollective
- ruby193-mcollective-package-agent - Install and uninstall software packages
- ruby193-mcollective-package-client - Install and uninstall software packages
- ruby193-mcollective-package-common - Install and uninstall software packages
- ruby193-mcollective-puppet-agent - Run Puppet agent, get its status, and enable/disable it
- ruby193-mcollective-puppet-client - Run Puppet agent, get its status, and enable/disable it
- ruby193-mcollective-puppet-common - Run Puppet agent, get its status, and enable/disable it
- ruby193-mcollective-service-agent - Start and stop system services
- ruby193-mcollective-service-client - Start and stop system services
- ruby193-mcollective-service-common - Start and stop system services
- ruby193-mcollective-sysctl-data - Retrieve values for a given sysctl