Letter R
Packages beginning with letter "R".
- ruby193 - Package that installs ruby193
- ruby193-build - Package shipping basic build configuration
- ruby193-facter - Command and ruby library for gathering system information
- ruby193-hiera - A simple hierarchical database supporting plugin data sources
- ruby193-lemon - A parser generator
- ruby193-libyaml - YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
- ruby193-libyaml-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-libyaml
- ruby193-libyaml-devel - Development files for LibYAML applications
- ruby193-mcollective - Application Server for hosting Ruby code on any capable middleware
- ruby193-mcollective-client - Client tools for the mcollective Application Server
- ruby193-mcollective-common - Common libraries for the mcollective clients and servers
- ruby193-mcollective-facter-facts - Puppetlabs Facter facts plugin
- ruby193-mcollective-filemgr-agent - File Manager
- ruby193-mcollective-filemgr-client - File Manager
- ruby193-mcollective-filemgr-common - File Manager
- ruby193-mcollective-iptables-agent - An agent that manipulates a specific single chain with iptables and ip6tables
- ruby193-mcollective-iptables-client - An agent that manipulates a specific single chain with iptables and ip6tables
- ruby193-mcollective-iptables-common - An agent that manipulates a specific single chain with iptables and ip6tables
- ruby193-mcollective-logstash-audit - Logstash audit plugin
- ruby193-mcollective-nettest-agent - Agent to do network tests from a mcollective host
- ruby193-mcollective-nettest-client - Agent to do network tests from a mcollective host
- ruby193-mcollective-nettest-common - Agent to do network tests from a mcollective host
- ruby193-mcollective-nrpe-agent - Agent to query NRPE commands via MCollective
- ruby193-mcollective-nrpe-client - Agent to query NRPE commands via MCollective
- ruby193-mcollective-nrpe-common - Agent to query NRPE commands via MCollective
- ruby193-mcollective-package-agent - Install and uninstall software packages
- ruby193-mcollective-package-client - Install and uninstall software packages
- ruby193-mcollective-package-common - Install and uninstall software packages
- ruby193-mcollective-puppet-agent - Run Puppet agent, get its status, and enable/disable it
- ruby193-mcollective-puppet-client - Run Puppet agent, get its status, and enable/disable it
- ruby193-mcollective-puppet-common - Run Puppet agent, get its status, and enable/disable it
- ruby193-mcollective-service-agent - Start and stop system services
- ruby193-mcollective-service-client - Start and stop system services
- ruby193-mcollective-service-common - Start and stop system services
- ruby193-mcollective-sysctl-data - Retrieve values for a given sysctl
- ruby193-mod_passenger - Apache Module for Phusion Passenger
- ruby193-puppet - A network tool for managing many disparate systems
- ruby193-puppet-server - Server for the puppet system management tool
- ruby193-ruby - An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
- ruby193-ruby-augeas - Ruby bindings for Augeas
- ruby193-ruby-augeas-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-ruby-augeas
- ruby193-ruby-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-ruby
- ruby193-ruby-devel - A Ruby development environment
- ruby193-ruby-doc - Documentation for ruby193-ruby
- ruby193-ruby-irb - The Interactive Ruby
- ruby193-ruby-libs - Libraries necessary to run Ruby
- ruby193-ruby-shadow - Ruby bindings for shadow password access
- ruby193-ruby-shadow-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-ruby-shadow
- ruby193-ruby-tcltk - Tcl/Tk interface for scripting language Ruby
- ruby193-ruby-wrapper - Wrapper for ruby193- ruby.
- ruby193-rubygem-Platform - Hopefully robust platform sensing
- ruby193-rubygem-Platform-doc - Documentation for rubygem-Platform
- ruby193-rubygem-ZenTest - Automated test scaffolding for Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-ZenTest-doc - Documentation for rubygem-ZenTest
- ruby193-rubygem-actionmailer - Service layer for easy email delivery and testing
- ruby193-rubygem-actionmailer-doc - Documentation for rubygem-actionmailer
- ruby193-rubygem-actionpack - Web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC
- ruby193-rubygem-actionpack-doc - Documentation for rubygem-actionpack
- ruby193-rubygem-activemodel - A toolkit for building modeling frameworks
- ruby193-rubygem-activemodel-doc - Documentation for rubygem-activemodel
- ruby193-rubygem-activerecord - Implements the ActiveRecord pattern for ORM
- ruby193-rubygem-activerecord-doc - Documentation for rubygem-activerecord
- ruby193-rubygem-activeresource - Active Record for web resources
- ruby193-rubygem-activeresource-doc - Documentation for rubygem-activeresource
- ruby193-rubygem-activesupport - Support and utility classes used by the Rails framework
- ruby193-rubygem-ancestry - Organise ActiveRecord model into a tree structure
- ruby193-rubygem-ancestry-doc - Documentation for rubygem-ancestry
- ruby193-rubygem-apipie-rails - Rails API documentation tool and client generator
- ruby193-rubygem-apipie-rails-doc - Documentation for rubygem-apipie-rails
- ruby193-rubygem-arel - Arel is a Relational Algebra for Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-arel-doc - Documentation for rubygem-arel
- ruby193-rubygem-audited - Log all changes to your models
- ruby193-rubygem-audited-activerecord - Log all changes to your ActiveRecord models
- ruby193-rubygem-audited-activerecord-doc - Documentation for rubygem-audited-activerecord
- ruby193-rubygem-audited-doc - Documentation for rubygem-audited
- ruby193-rubygem-awesome_print - Pretty print Ruby objects with proper indentation and colors
- ruby193-rubygem-awesome_print-doc - Documentation for rubygem-awesome_print
- ruby193-rubygem-bacon - A ruby-based testing framework
- ruby193-rubygem-bacon-doc - Documentation for rubygem-bacon
- ruby193-rubygem-bcrypt-ruby - Wrapper around bcrypt() password hashing algorithm
- ruby193-rubygem-bcrypt-ruby-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-rubygem-bcrypt-ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-bigdecimal - BigDecimal provides arbitrary-precision floating point decimal arithmetic
- ruby193-rubygem-builder - Builders for MarkUp
- ruby193-rubygem-builder-doc - Documentation for rubygem-builder
- ruby193-rubygem-bundler - Library and utilities to manage a Ruby application's gem dependencies
- ruby193-rubygem-bundler-doc - Documentation for rubygem-bundler
- ruby193-rubygem-bundler_ext - Load system gems via Bundler DSL
- ruby193-rubygem-bundler_ext-doc - Documentation for rubygem-bundler_ext
- ruby193-rubygem-coffee-rails - Coffee Script adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
- ruby193-rubygem-coffee-rails-doc - Documentation for rubygem-coffee-rails
- ruby193-rubygem-coffee-script - Ruby CoffeeScript Compiler
- ruby193-rubygem-coffee-script-doc - Documentation for rubygem-coffee-script
- ruby193-rubygem-coffee-script-source - The CoffeeScript Compiler
- ruby193-rubygem-coffee-script-source-doc - Documentation for rubygem-coffee-script-source
- ruby193-rubygem-commonjs - Provide access to your Ruby and Operating System runtime via the commonjs API
- ruby193-rubygem-commonjs-doc - Documentation for rubygem-commonjs
- ruby193-rubygem-daemon_controller - A library for implementing daemon management capabilities
- ruby193-rubygem-daemon_controller-doc - Documentation for rubygem-daemon_controller
- ruby193-rubygem-daemons - A toolkit to create and control daemons in different ways
- ruby193-rubygem-deep-merge - Recursively merge hashes
- ruby193-rubygem-deface - Rails 3 plugin that allows you to customize ERB views in a Rails application without editing the underlying view.
- ruby193-rubygem-deface-doc - Documentation for rubygem-deface
- ruby193-rubygem-diff-lcs - Provide a list of changes between two sequenced collections
- ruby193-rubygem-diff-lcs-doc - Documentation for rubygem-diff-lcs
- ruby193-rubygem-echoe - A Rubygems packaging tool that provides Rake tasks for documentation, extension compiling, testing, and deployment
- ruby193-rubygem-erubis - A fast and extensible eRuby implementation
- ruby193-rubygem-erubis-doc - Documentation for rubygem-erubis
- ruby193-rubygem-eventmachine - Ruby/EventMachine library
- ruby193-rubygem-eventmachine-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-rubygem-eventmachine
- ruby193-rubygem-eventmachine-doc - Documentation for rubygem-eventmachine
- ruby193-rubygem-excon - Http(s) EXtended CONnections
- ruby193-rubygem-excon-doc - Documentation for rubygem-excon
- ruby193-rubygem-execjs - Run JavaScript code from Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-execjs-doc - Documentation for rubygem-execjs
- ruby193-rubygem-fakeweb - A tool for faking responses to HTTP requests
- ruby193-rubygem-fakeweb-doc - Documentation for rubygem-fakeweb
- ruby193-rubygem-fast_gettext - A simple, fast and threadsafe implementation of GetText
- ruby193-rubygem-fattr - Fatter attribute for Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-ffi - FFI Extensions for Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-ffi-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-rubygem-ffi
- ruby193-rubygem-file-tail - File::Tail for Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-file-tail-doc - Documentation for ruby193-rubygem-file-tail
- ruby193-rubygem-flot-rails - jQuery-flot javascript for Rails apps
- ruby193-rubygem-flot-rails-doc - Documentation for rubygem-flot-rails
- ruby193-rubygem-fog - brings clouds to you
- ruby193-rubygem-fog-doc - Documentation for rubygem-fog
- ruby193-rubygem-formatador - Ruby STDOUT text formatting
- ruby193-rubygem-formatador-doc - Documentation for rubygem-formatador
- ruby193-rubygem-gemcutter - The gemcutter client gem
- ruby193-rubygem-gettext - RubyGem of Localization Library and Tools for Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-gettext-doc - Documentation for rubygem-gettext
- ruby193-rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails - Simple FastGettext Rails integration
- ruby193-rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails_js - Extends gettext_i18n_rails making your .po files available to client side javascript as JSON
- ruby193-rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails_js-doc - Documentation for rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails_js
- ruby193-rubygem-hike - Find files in a set of paths
- ruby193-rubygem-hike-doc - Documentation for rubygem-hike
- ruby193-rubygem-hirb - A mini view framework for console/irb that's easy to use, even while under its influence.
- ruby193-rubygem-hirb-doc - Documentation for rubygem-hirb
- ruby193-rubygem-hirb-unicode - Unicode support for hirb
- ruby193-rubygem-hirb-unicode-doc - Documentation for rubygem-hirb-unicode
- ruby193-rubygem-hoe - Hoe is a simple rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles
- ruby193-rubygem-hoe-doc - Documentation for rubygem-hoe
- ruby193-rubygem-hpricot - a swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library
- ruby193-rubygem-hpricot-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-rubygem-hpricot
- ruby193-rubygem-http_connection - RightScale's robust HTTP/S connection module
- ruby193-rubygem-i18n - New wave Internationalization support for Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-i18n-doc - Documentation for rubygem-i18n
- ruby193-rubygem-i18n_data - country/language names and 2-letter-code pairs, in 85 languages
- ruby193-rubygem-introspection - Dynamic inspection of the hierarchy of method definitions on a Ruby object
- ruby193-rubygem-introspection-doc - Documentation for rubygem-introspection
- ruby193-rubygem-io-console - IO/Console is a simple console utilizing library
- ruby193-rubygem-journey - Journey is a router
- ruby193-rubygem-journey-doc - Documentation for rubygem-journey
- ruby193-rubygem-jquery-rails - Use jQuery with Rails 3
- ruby193-rubygem-jquery-rails-doc - Documentation for rubygem-jquery-rails
- ruby193-rubygem-jquery-ui-rails - jQuery UI packaged for the Rails asset pipeline
- ruby193-rubygem-jquery-ui-rails-doc - Documentation for rubygem-jquery-ui-rails
- ruby193-rubygem-json - This is a JSON implementation as a Ruby extension in C
- ruby193-rubygem-less - Leaner CSS, in your browser or Ruby (via less.js)
- ruby193-rubygem-less-doc - Documentation for rubygem-less
- ruby193-rubygem-less-rails - The dynamic stylesheet language for the Rails asset pipeline
- ruby193-rubygem-less-rails-doc - Documentation for rubygem-less-rails
- ruby193-rubygem-levenshtein - Calculates the Levenshtein distance between two byte strings
- ruby193-rubygem-levenshtein-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-rubygem-levenshtein
- ruby193-rubygem-levenshtein-doc - Documentation for rubygem-levenshtein
- ruby193-rubygem-locale - Pure ruby library which provides basic APIs for localization
- ruby193-rubygem-locale-doc - Documentation for rubygem-locale
- ruby193-rubygem-mail - Mail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails
- ruby193-rubygem-mail-doc - Documentation for rubygem-mail
- ruby193-rubygem-maruku - Maruku is a Markdown-superset interpreter written in Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-metaclass - Adds a metaclass method to all Ruby objects
- ruby193-rubygem-metaclass-doc - Documentation for rubygem-metaclass
- ruby193-rubygem-mime-types - Return the MIME Content-Type for a given filename
- ruby193-rubygem-mime-types-doc - Documentation for rubygem-mime-types
- ruby193-rubygem-minitest - Small and fast replacement for ruby's huge and slow test/unit
- ruby193-rubygem-minitest-doc - Documentation for rubygem-minitest
- ruby193-rubygem-mocha - Mocking and stubbing library
- ruby193-rubygem-mocha-doc - Documentation for rubygem-mocha
- ruby193-rubygem-multi_json - A gem to provide swappable JSON backends
- ruby193-rubygem-multi_json-doc - Documentation for rubygem-multi_json
- ruby193-rubygem-mustache - Logic-less Ruby templates
- ruby193-rubygem-mysql - This is the MySQL API module for Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-mysql-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-rubygem-mysql
- ruby193-rubygem-net-http-persistent - Persistent connections using Net::HTTP plus a speed fix
- ruby193-rubygem-net-http-persistent-doc - Documentation for rubygem-net-http-persistent
- ruby193-rubygem-net-ldap - Net::LDAP for Ruby implements client access LDAP protocol
- ruby193-rubygem-net-ldap-doc - Documentation for rubygem-net-ldap
- ruby193-rubygem-net-ping - A ping interface for Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-net-ping-doc - A ping interface for Ruby - documentation
- ruby193-rubygem-net-scp - A pure Ruby implementation of the SCP client protocol
- ruby193-rubygem-net-scp-doc - Documentation for rubygem-net-scp
- ruby193-rubygem-net-ssh - Net::SSH: a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol
- ruby193-rubygem-net-ssh-doc - Documentation for rubygem-net-ssh
- ruby193-rubygem-nokogiri - An HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser
- ruby193-rubygem-nokogiri-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-rubygem-nokogiri
- ruby193-rubygem-nokogiri-doc - Documentation for rubygem-nokogiri
- ruby193-rubygem-oauth - OAuth Core Ruby implementation
- ruby193-rubygem-passenger - Passenger Ruby web application server
- ruby193-rubygem-passenger-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-rubygem-passenger
- ruby193-rubygem-passenger-devel - Apache Module for Phusion Passenger
- ruby193-rubygem-passenger-doc - Apache Module for Phusion Passenger
- ruby193-rubygem-passenger-native - Phusion Passenger native extensions
- ruby193-rubygem-passenger-native-libs - Phusion Passenger native extensions
- ruby193-rubygem-pg - A Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS
- ruby193-rubygem-pg-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-rubygem-pg
- ruby193-rubygem-pg-doc - Documentation for rubygem-pg
- ruby193-rubygem-po_to_json - Convert gettext PO files to json
- ruby193-rubygem-po_to_json-doc - Documentation for rubygem-po_to_json
- ruby193-rubygem-polyglot - Allow hooking of language loaders for specified extensions into require
- ruby193-rubygem-polyglot-doc - Documentation for rubygem-polyglot
- ruby193-rubygem-rabl - General ruby templating with json, bson, xml and msgpack support
- ruby193-rubygem-rabl-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rabl
- ruby193-rubygem-rack - Common API for connecting web frameworks, web servers and layers of software
- ruby193-rubygem-rack-cache - HTTP Caching for Rack
- ruby193-rubygem-rack-cache-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rack-cache
- ruby193-rubygem-rack-protection - Ruby gem that protects against typical web attacks
- ruby193-rubygem-rack-protection-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rack-protection
- ruby193-rubygem-rack-ssl - Force SSL/TLS in your app
- ruby193-rubygem-rack-ssl-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rack-ssl
- ruby193-rubygem-rack-test - Simple testing API built on Rack
- ruby193-rubygem-rails - Web-application framework
- ruby193-rubygem-railties - Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails applications
- ruby193-rubygem-railties-doc - Documentation for rubygem-railties
- ruby193-rubygem-rake - Ruby based make-like utility
- ruby193-rubygem-rake-compiler - Rake-based Ruby C Extension task generator
- ruby193-rubygem-rake-compiler-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rake-compiler
- ruby193-rubygem-rbovirt - A Ruby client for oVirt REST API
- ruby193-rubygem-rbovirt-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rbovirt
- ruby193-rubygem-rbvmomi - Ruby interface to the VMware vSphere API
- ruby193-rubygem-rbvmomi-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rbvmomi
- ruby193-rubygem-rdiscount - Discount (For Ruby). A Fast Implementation of Gruber's Markdown in C
- ruby193-rubygem-rdiscount-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-rubygem-rdiscount
- ruby193-rubygem-rdoc - A tool to generate HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects
- ruby193-rubygem-ref - Library that implements weak, soft, and strong references in Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-ref-doc - Documentation for rubygem-ref
- ruby193-rubygem-rest-client - Simple REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions
- ruby193-rubygem-ronn - Builds manuals.
- ruby193-rubygem-rr - RR (Double Ruby) is a test double framework
- ruby193-rubygem-rr-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rr
- ruby193-rubygem-rspec - Behaviour driven development (BDD) framework for Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-rspec-core - Rspec-2 runner and formatters
- ruby193-rubygem-rspec-core-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rspec-core
- ruby193-rubygem-rspec-expectations - Rspec-2 expectations (should and matchers)
- ruby193-rubygem-rspec-expectations-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rspec-expectations
- ruby193-rubygem-rspec-mocks - Rspec-2 doubles (mocks and stubs)
- ruby193-rubygem-rspec-mocks-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rspec-mocks
- ruby193-rubygem-rspec-rails - RSpec-2 for Rails-3
- ruby193-rubygem-rspec-rails-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rspec-rails
- ruby193-rubygem-ruby-hmac - This module provides common interface to HMAC functionality
- ruby193-rubygem-ruby-libvirt - Ruby bindings for LIBVIRT
- ruby193-rubygem-ruby-libvirt-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-rubygem-ruby-libvirt
- ruby193-rubygem-ruby-libvirt-doc - Documentation for rubygem-ruby-libvirt
- ruby193-rubygem-ruby2ruby - Generate pure ruby from RubyParser compatible Sexps
- ruby193-rubygem-ruby2ruby-doc - Documentation for rubygem-ruby2ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-ruby_parser - A ruby parser written in pure ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-ruby_parser-doc - Documentation for rubygem-ruby_parser
- ruby193-rubygem-rubyforge - A script which automates a limited set of rubyforge operations
- ruby193-rubygem-rubyforge-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rubyforge
- ruby193-rubygem-rubyipmi - A ruby wrapper for ipmi command line tools
- ruby193-rubygem-rubyipmi-doc - Documentation for rubygem-rubyipmi
- ruby193-rubygem-safemode - A library for safe evaluation of Ruby code
- ruby193-rubygem-safemode-doc - Documentation for rubygem-safemode
- ruby193-rubygem-sass - A powerful but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again
- ruby193-rubygem-sass-doc - Documentation for rubygem-sass
- ruby193-rubygem-sass-rails - Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
- ruby193-rubygem-sass-rails-doc - Documentation for rubygem-sass-rails
- ruby193-rubygem-scoped_search - Easily search your ActiveRecord models
- ruby193-rubygem-scoped_search-doc - Documentation for rubygem-scoped_search
- ruby193-rubygem-sequel - The Database Toolkit for Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-sequel-doc - Documentation for rubygem-sequel
- ruby193-rubygem-session - Session drives external programs
- ruby193-rubygem-session-doc - Documentation for rubygem-session
- ruby193-rubygem-sexp_processor - sexp_processor branches from ParseTree bringing all the generic sexp processing tools with it
- ruby193-rubygem-sexp_processor-doc - Documentation for rubygem-sexp_processor
- ruby193-rubygem-shoulda - Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
- ruby193-rubygem-shoulda-doc - Documentation for rubygem-shoulda
- ruby193-rubygem-simplecov - Code coverage analysis tool for Ruby 1.9
- ruby193-rubygem-simplecov-doc - Documentation for rubygem-simplecov
- ruby193-rubygem-simplecov-html - Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov
- ruby193-rubygem-simplecov-html-doc - Documentation for rubygem-simplecov-html
- ruby193-rubygem-sinatra - Ruby-based web application framework
- ruby193-rubygem-sinatra-doc - Documentation for rubygem-sinatra
- ruby193-rubygem-spice-html5-rails - Spice client using HTML5 (WebSockets, Canvas)
- ruby193-rubygem-spice-html5-rails-doc - Documentation for rubygem-spice-html5-rails
- ruby193-rubygem-sprockets - Rack-based asset packaging system
- ruby193-rubygem-sprockets-doc - Documentation for rubygem-sprockets
- ruby193-rubygem-spruz - Useful tools library in Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-spruz-doc - Documentation for ruby193-rubygem-spruz
- ruby193-rubygem-sqlite3 - Allows Ruby scripts to interface with a SQLite3 database
- ruby193-rubygem-sqlite3-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-rubygem-sqlite3
- ruby193-rubygem-sqlite3-doc - Documentation for rubygem-sqlite3
- ruby193-rubygem-stomp - Ruby client for the Stomp messaging protocol
- ruby193-rubygem-stomp-doc - Documentation for rubygem-stomp
- ruby193-rubygem-syntax - Ruby library for performing simple syntax highlighting
- ruby193-rubygem-test-unit - Improved version of Test::Unit bundled in Ruby 1.8.x
- ruby193-rubygem-test-unit-doc - Documentation for rubygem-test-unit
- ruby193-rubygem-test-unit-notify - Test::Unit::Notify - A test result notify extension for Test::Unit
- ruby193-rubygem-test-unit-notify-doc - Documentation for rubygem-test-unit-notify
- ruby193-rubygem-test-unit-rr - Test::Unit::RR - RR adapter for Test::Unit
- ruby193-rubygem-test-unit-rr-doc - Documentation for rubygem-test-unit-rr
- ruby193-rubygem-test_declarative - Simply adds a declarative test method syntax to test/unit
- ruby193-rubygem-test_declarative-doc - Documentation for rubygem-test_declarative
- ruby193-rubygem-therubyracer - Embed the V8 Javascript interpreter into Ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-therubyracer-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-rubygem-therubyracer
- ruby193-rubygem-therubyracer-doc - Documentation for rubygem-therubyracer
- ruby193-rubygem-thin - A thin and fast web server
- ruby193-rubygem-thin-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-rubygem-thin
- ruby193-rubygem-thin-doc - Documentation for rubygem-thin
- ruby193-rubygem-thor - Scripting framework that replaces rake, sake and rubigen
- ruby193-rubygem-thor-doc - Documentation for rubygem-thor
- ruby193-rubygem-tilt - Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
- ruby193-rubygem-tilt-doc - Documentation for rubygem-tilt
- ruby193-rubygem-treetop - A Ruby-based text parsing and interpretation DSL
- ruby193-rubygem-trollop - A command-line option parsing library for ruby
- ruby193-rubygem-twitter-bootstrap-rails - Bootstrap CSS toolkit for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline
- ruby193-rubygem-twitter-bootstrap-rails-doc - Documentation for rubygem-twitter-bootstrap-rails
- ruby193-rubygem-tzinfo - Daylight-savings aware timezone library
- ruby193-rubygem-tzinfo-doc - Documentation for rubygem-tzinfo
- ruby193-rubygem-uglifier - Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor
- ruby193-rubygem-uglifier-doc - Documentation for rubygem-uglifier
- ruby193-rubygem-unicode-display_width - Support for east_asian_width string widths.
- ruby193-rubygem-unicode-display_width-doc - Documentation for rubygem-unicode-display_width
- ruby193-rubygem-uuidtools - A simple universally unique ID generation library
- ruby193-rubygem-uuidtools-doc - Documentation for rubygem-uuidtools
- ruby193-rubygem-will_paginate - Most awesome pagination solution for Rails
- ruby193-rubygem-wirb - Wavy IRB: Colorizes irb results.
- ruby193-rubygem-wirb-doc - Documentation for rubygem-wirb
- ruby193-rubygems - The Ruby standard for packaging ruby libraries
- ruby193-rubygems-devel - Macros and development tools for packaging RubyGems
- ruby193-runtime - Package that handles ruby193 Software Collection.
- ruby193-sqlite - Library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine
- ruby193-sqlite-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-sqlite
- ruby193-sqlite-devel - Development tools for the sqlite3 embeddable SQL database engine
- ruby193-sqlite-doc - Documentation for sqlite
- ruby193-v8 - JavaScript Engine
- ruby193-v8-debuginfo - Debug information for package ruby193-v8
- ruby193-v8-devel - Development headers and libraries for v8