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Playing Backgammon with @gnubg

FIXME introduction

Commands Used During the Game

new game
This command is used to start a game within a match or session. (Note that all games are played within matches or sessions; see section Matches and Sessions. To play a single game, use either a 1 point match or a session lasting for one game, depending whether you want gammons and the doubling cube to be active.) new game will set up the board in the starting position, and roll one die for each player for the opening move. If you are in the middle of a game, new game will ask you if you want to abort the game in progress. If you do, a new game will replace the current one (i.e. the partially completed game will have no effect on the score). If you want the current game to be scored for either player, you should use the resign command instead.
move from to ...
from to ...
The move command allows you to make chequer plays when it is your turn. In its normal form, you should specify pairs of point numbers indicating the points you want to move a chequer from and to. Specify one pair for each chequer you want to move. (For instance, on an opening roll of 31, you might use move 8 5 6 5 to move two chequers -- one from your 8 point to your 5 point, and the other from your 6 point to your 5 point.) For several example moves, see section Sample Game. You should use the words bar and off when moving a chequer from the bar or bearing it off the board, e.g. move bar 20 or move 3 off. These words can be abbreviated to b and o respectively. If there is only one legal move you can make, then the command move by itself will make it for you without requiring you to specify it in full. Similarly, if there is no play available at all, then move will end your turn without moving. As long as you specify at least one pair of points, then the word move is optional -- the command bar 20 24 20 means exactly the same thing as move bar 20 24 20, for instance. If you are using the X Window System, you can also move chequers using the board window. One way to do this is to use mouse button 1 to drag a chequer (that is, press the button when the pointer is over the chequer you wish to move; move the pointer to the point you wish to play it to, and then release the button). An alternative is to click buttons 2 or 3 on the chequer; button 2 will move it by the number of pips showing on the left die, and button 3 will move it according to the right die. If you don't like the order the dice are displayed in, pressing either button 2 or 3 on the dice will swap their positions. Whichever method you use to move the chequers, once you have made a legal move you can end your turn by clicking mouse button 1 on the dice. FIXME reference set automove and set autobearoff.
resign [type]
The resign command is used to give up a game without playing it to completion. It is often useful during endgame play when the game reaches a position where it is impossible for one player to win. If you do not specify a value type, then the player whose turn it is offers to give up one game (at the current cube value) to the opponent; you can also specify 1, 2 or 3 to resign a single, double or triple game. Specifying normal, gammon or backgammon is also legal, and is identical to expressing the number of points as a digit. single is yet another synonym for one game. The opponent may accept the resignation with either the agree or accept commands, but is not obliged to. To ignore the resignation and continue play normally, use either the decline or reject commands. (accept and reject are also legal commands in response to a double; see section The Doubling Cube.)
set board id
If you wish to directly set the chequers to a different position, you can use the set board command. You need to know the position ID of the chequer arrangement you want; position IDs are always displayed when the board is shown. (If you are playing on a text terminal, the position ID is in the upper right hand corner of the board diagram; when using the X board window, the ID is shown below the board on the right hand side.) For instance, to set the chequers to the starting position, use the command set board 4HPwATDgc/ABMA. FIXME add a mode to set the board to an arbitrary position when the user doesn't know the ID, in the X version at least.
show board [id]
The show board command is used to display a particular position --- normally the board of the current game, but it is also possible to view unrelated layouts. When specified without the optional id parameter, the current position is displayed. (When using a text terminal, this is useful if subsequent output has caused the board diagram to scroll off the screen. In the X board window, the command can be used to undo erroneous chequer plays by resetting the window to the position at the start of the turn.) When a position ID id is given, the chequers are arranged into the position specified and that board is displayed. Note that this command affects the display only; the current game is unchanged. Use the show board command with no parameter if you want to see the current game again.
At any time during the game when the dice have been rolled, you can use the hint command to see the moves @gnubg{} recommends. The output is of the following form:
Win    W(g)   W(bg)  L(g)   L(bg)  Equity       Move
0.542  0.142  0.008  0.113  0.008  (+0.114)     6/5 8/5 
0.505  0.120  0.008  0.122  0.007  (+0.009)     24/23 23/20 
0.498  0.126  0.008  0.123  0.007  (+0.000)     24/23 13/10 
0.499  0.113  0.008  0.121  0.007  (-0.011)     24/23 24/21 
0.486  0.125  0.008  0.120  0.009  (-0.024)     13/10 10/9 
0.481  0.116  0.008  0.129  0.008  (-0.051)     6/5 24/21 
0.472  0.122  0.008  0.129  0.009  (-0.064)     6/5 13/10 
The moves are listed in descending order of preference, so in this case, @gnubg{} recommends the move `6/5 8/5'. The first five columns are its estimates of the probability of the player on roll winning (`Win'), winning a gammon (`W(g)'), winning a backgammon (`W(bg)'), losing a gammon (`L(g)'), and losing a backgammon (`L(bg)') if the game is played to completion without use of the doubling cube, after the candidate move in that row is made(1). The sixth column, `Equity', is the estimated cubeless equity following the move --- this is the expected number of points per game won by the player on roll. @gnubg{} will `look ahead' a certain number of moves when evaluating the probabilities, according to the search depth set by the set plies command (see section Using @gnubg{} to Analyse Positions).
show pipcount
Use show pipcount to automatically count the number of `pips' each player needs to bear off. Depending on the position, the output will look something like:
The pip counts are: X 103, O 112.
show player
set player name human
set player old-name name new-name
Both players have a certain amount of configuration information; use the command show player to summarise these settings. By default, @gnubg{} will play for player 0, whose name is initially `O'. Player 1 defaults to a human (i.e. @gnubg{} will prompt the user for a move when it is player 1's turn) whose name is `X'. Either player can be set to a human with the command set player name human, where name is either the number of the player (0 or 1) or that player's name (initially `O' and `X'). You can also specify both which will set both players simultaneously. There are also options for computer players (see section Having @gnubg{} Make Moves). You can change the names of the players with the set player old-name name new-name command. Again, either the player numbers or names are valid for the old-name parameter. Names may not contain whitespace characters, and may not be longer than 31 characters. The names `0', `1' and `both' are not permitted, to avoid ambiguities, and the players may not both share the same name. Names are not case sensitive.
set turn player
show turn
set autobearoff
set automove
set display

Controlling Dice Rolls

set rng generator [seed]
show rng
set autoroll
set dice pips pips

Having @gnubg{} Make Moves

set player name gnubg
set player name pubeval
set player name plies depth

Matches and Sessions

This section describes how to use GNU Backgammon to play series of games, whether those games are part of a match (as in tournament backgammon) or a session of independent games (conventionally called "money" play, regardless of whether any money is involved).

new match length
new session
set autogame
set crawford
set postcrawford
set autocrawford
set jacoby
set autodoubles limit
set score points points
show crawford
show postcrawford
show jacoby
show score

The Doubling Cube

set cube centre
set cube owner player
set cube value points

Saving Games and Matches

save game file
save match file
load game file
load match file

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