%% %% The LaTeX Companion, 3rd ed %% %% Example ``report class for use with the Companion examples. %% %% Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Frank Mittelbach %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions %% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% %% See https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details. %% \LoadClass{report} \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} \RequirePackage{tgtermes} \RequirePackage[matchuppercase]{tgheros} \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{lmtt} \let\StartShownPreambleCommands\relax \let\StopShownPreambleCommands\relax \let\ps@origplain\ps@plain \let\ps@plain\ps@empty % this class doesn't produces page numbers % since this would make examples too big % but if necessary there is origplain % Improve \LaTeX and \TeX logo when used with slanted fonts \DeclareRobustCommand\TeX{T% \ifdim\fontdimen1\font>\z@ \kern-.04em\fi % new \kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}% \ifdim\fontdimen1\font>\z@ \kern.07em\fi % new \kern-.125emX\@} \DeclareRobustCommand{\LaTeX}{L% \ifdim\fontdimen1\font>\z@ \kern.1em\fi % new \kern-.36em% {\sbox\z@ T% \vbox to\ht\z@{\hbox{\check@mathfonts \fontsize\sf@size\z@ \math@fontsfalse\selectfont A}% \vss}% }% \kern-.15em% \TeX} % Book version restricts to two colors. This is set up in the % code below after \endinput. % \endinput % As the book is printed in two colors only (black and blue) we need % to ensure that other colors are replaced by gray if necessary: \AddToHook{begindocument/before}{ \ifx\color\@undefined \else \usepackage{colorspace} \definespotcolor{blue}{PANTONE 3005 U}{1,0.56,0,0} % what we call ``blue'' in this book % \definecolor{red}{gray}{.7} \definecolor{green}{gray}{.8} \definecolor{yellow}{gray}{.9} % \definecolor{orange}{gray}{.75} % for todo notes \definecolor{chaptergrey}{gray}{0.6} % for quotechap example \fi } \endinput