%% %% The LaTeX Companion, 3ed %% %% Example 6-4-2 on page I-459 in "supertabular --- Making multipage tabulars". %% %% Copyright (C) 2022 Frank Mittelbach %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions %% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% %% See https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details. %% \documentclass{tlc3exa} \pagestyle{empty} \setcounter{page}{6} \setlength\textwidth{348.0pt} \setcounter{page}{1} \makeatletter \def\@oddfoot{\hrulefill\quad Page \thepage\quad \hrulefill} \let\@oddhead\@oddfoot \let\@evenhead\@oddfoot \let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot \setlength\textheight{25\baselineskip} \makeatother \usepackage{array,supertabular} % The setup for this example is somewhat weird, because in the book % the example had to be split across two pages, so the first part in % the book is faked and display using a verbatim environment and the % actual example doesn't show the source. % % For that reason we placed part of the example into the % ``begindocument/after'' hook so all the material inside that hook % really belongs after \begin{document} % % Sorry for that ... \AddToHook{begindocument/after}{% \tablecaption{The ISOGRK3 entity set} \tablefirsthead {\textbf{Entity}&\textbf{Unicode Name}&\textbf{Unicode}\\\hline} \tablehead{\textbf{Entity}&\textbf{Unicode Name}&\textbf{Unicode}\\\hline} \tabletail{\hline \multicolumn{3}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}\\} \tablelasttail{\hline} \centering } %StartShownPreambleCommands %StopShownPreambleCommands \begin{document} \empty \begin{supertabular*}{\textwidth}{ll!{\extracolsep{\fill}}l} \shrinkheight{-12pt} % tell supertabular to add one additional line to first page alpha & GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA & 03B1\\ beta & GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA & 03B2\\ chi & GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI & 03C7\\ Delta & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA & 0394\\ delta & GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA & 03B4\\ epsi & GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\ epsis & GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL & 03F5\\ epsiv & GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\ eta & GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA & 03B7\\ Gamma & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA & 0393\\ gamma & GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA & 03B3\\ gammad & GREEK SMALL LETTER DIGAMMA & 03DD\\ iota & GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA & 03B9\\ kappa & GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA & 03BA\\ kappav & GREEK KAPPA SYMBOL & 03F0\\ Lambda & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA & 039B\\ lambda & GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA & 03BB\\ mu & GREEK SMALL LETTER MU & 03BC\\ nu & GREEK SMALL LETTER NU & 03BD\\ Omega & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA & 03A9\\ omega & GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA & 03C9\\ Phi & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI & 03A6\\ phis & GREEK PHI SYMBOL & 03D5\\ phiv & GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI & 03C6\\ Pi & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI & 03A0\\ pi & GREEK SMALL LETTER PI & 03C0\\ piv & GREEK PI SYMBOL & 03D6\\ Psi & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI & 03A8\\ psi & GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI & 03C8\\ rho & GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO & 03C1\\ rhov & GREEK RHO SYMBOL & 03F1\\ Sigma & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA & 03A3\\ sigma & GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA & 03C3\\ sigmav & GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA & 03C2\\ tau & GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU & 03C4\\ Theta & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA & 0398\\ thetas & GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA & 03B8\\ thetav & GREEK THETA SYMBOL & 03D1\\ Upsi & GREEK UPSILON WITH HOOK SYMBOL & 03D2\\ upsi & GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON & 03C5\\ \shrinkheight{-40pt} %tell supertabular that there is enough space to fit the table in Xi & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI & 039E\\ xi & GREEK SMALL LETTER XI & 03BE\\ zeta & GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA & 03B6\\ \end{supertabular*} \end{document}