@ECHO off ECHO Welcome to FreeDOS (http://www.freedos.org)! REM Attempt to load TSRs high & before adding too much to the enviroment REM Load the Mouse driver (autodetect mouse) (conventional mem or high) REM C:\FDOS\CTMOUSE\CTMOUSE REM LOADHIGH C:\FDOS\CTMOUSE\CTMOUSE REM Load CD-ROM extensions SHSUCDX (FDCDEX) REM SHSUCDX [/D:DriverName[,[Drive][,[Unit][,[MaxDrives]]]]] REM To unload: SHSUCDX [-u or /u] REM C:\FDOS\BIN\SHSUCDX /D:FDCD0001,R REM Set the default search path for programs PATH=C:\FDOS\BIN;C:\FDOS\BIN\KEY; REM Add other directories here REM SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\UTIL REM Setup keyboard mappings REM XKEYB uk REM FreeDOS utilities specific, set language & location for those REM that supports alternate language message catalogs via Cats SET NLSPATH=C:\FDOS\NLS; SET LANG=EN