zz_nmh_change-1.0-15)WvҕD#d  @      9 <@ELP(TFZGtHxI|QCzz_nmh_change1.01Fixes the lack of a /usr/lib/mh directoryThe latest version of Fermi Red Hat Linux provides nmh which is installed (mostly) under /usr/lib/nmh. The older version of MH was installed under /usr/lib/mh. This creates a symbolic link between the old and the new so users using applications such as rcvstore don't have a problem upgrading to the latest version.7?Qcoal.fnal.govFermi Red Hat v5.2.1FermilabGPLDan YocumFermihttp://www.fnal.gov/cd/UNIX/linux/Linuxi386zz_nmh_change.spec7?K6d3de397da777c7ad2edd545b7865bb6 rootroot2.5.5coal.fnal.gov 931282769lSn@~D(KҒoB[)TUhj۫w^_ID@m9sfweL$IXИ4w|Qjb?v=??~5FEqB} M6O Aqqp6V2 iQxc7}EQ֨;Inj]ZZBHv^eP{fqu]TjlbQ7HY]H̃,+asͣuaPݒ^!m]p ߍ + Φ:ae۳GG;'}RhHR H