The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Bibliography for William James Cody

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Number of references:119Last update:November 26, 2007
Number of online publications:61Supported:Unknown
Most recent reference:December 1993 Info:Version 1.26

Information on the Bibliography

Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe at math . utah . edu, beebe at acm . org, beebe at computer . org> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
University of Utah
Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB
155 S 1400 E RM 233
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
This is a complete bibliography of the publications of William James Cody.
bibliography, floating-point arithmetic, numerical analysis, special functions
Author Comments:
At version 1.26, the year coverage looked like this:
1964 ( 3) 1974 ( 3) 1984 ( 8) 1965 ( 2) 1975 ( 3) 1985 ( 2) 1966 ( 2) 1976 ( 4) 1986 ( 4) 1967 ( 7) 1977 ( 5) 1987 ( 2) 1968 ( 4) 1978 ( 1) 1988 ( 6) 1969 ( 8) 1979 ( 1) 1989 ( 4) 1970 ( 4) 1980 ( 5) 1990 ( 6) 1971 ( 5) 1981 ( 2) 1991 ( 5) 1972 ( 2) 1982 ( 9) 1992 ( 0) 1973 ( 5) 1983 ( 4) 1993 ( 3)
Article: 47 Book: 7 InCollection: 10 InProceedings: 17 Proceedings: 17 TechReport: 21
Total entries: 119
This bibliography was developed from NHFB's bibliography and paper files, from the TeX User Group bibliography collection on, from the very large computer science bibliography collection on, from searches of Internet-accessible catalogs of major libraries, including those of Stanford University, the University of California, the Library of Congress, and the OCLC, from the IEEE INSPEC database (1989–1996), and from the bibliographies in WJC's papers. WJC (now retired) kindly provided some corrections, and references to 13 papers which NHFB's searches had missed.
BibTeX citation tags are uniformly chosen as name:year:abbrev, where name is the family name of the first author or editor, year is a 4-digit number, and abbrev is a 3-letter condensation of important title words. Citation tags were automatically generated by the biblabel software developed for the BibNet Project.
In this bibliography, entries are sorted in order of publication year, and within the same year, by citation tag, with the help of "bibsort -byyear". The bibsort utility, and several related programs for bibliography maintenance, is available on in /pub/tex/bib, and at other Internet sites which mirror it, including the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN); the command `finger ctan<at>' will produce a list of CTAN hosts.

Browsing the bibliography

Bibliographic Statistics

article(47), techreport(21), inproceedings(17), proceedings(17), incollection(10), book(7)
acknowledgement(119), title(119), year(119), bibdate(118), pages(116), author(98), address(71), volume(66), number(61), month(59), publisher(50), issn(49), coden(47), journal(47), isbn(37), editor(32), booktitle(30), note(28), lccn(24), series(22), institution(21), keywords(20), type(19), subject(15), mrclass(14), mrnumber(14), mrnumber-url(14), abstract(12), url(10), affiliation(8), classification(8), thesaurus(8), language(7), pubcountry(7), xxmonth(7), doi(6), doi-url(6), key(6), xxnumber(5), isbn-13(4), review(3), price(2), xxisbn(2), xxnote(2), confdate(1), conflocation(1), confsponsor(1), optaddress(1), optmonth(1), optnumber(1), optpublisher(1), reviewer(1), xxpages(1), xxtitle(1)
Distribution of publication dates:
Distribution of publication dates

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