FTP server trick.ntp.springer.de ( help-tex.txt Springer-Verlag Heidelberg ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Springer TeX and LaTeX macro packages ------------------------------------- The directory /tex contains the macro packages that have been developed by Springer-Verlag for authors preparing manuscripts in TeX resp. LaTeX. For all questions regarding the macro packages that are not answered in this help file please write to Springer-Verlag, Dept. New Technologies / Product Development Tiergartenstrasse 17 D-69121 Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany E-mail: springer@vax.ntp.springer.de, fax number: x49 6221 487 648 Please address all questions regarding typography, handling etc. to the production department which is in charge of your project. This department will also be happy to assist you in choosing the right package for your project. List of files ------------- cm = Computer Modern fonts am = Almost Computer Modern fonts ps = PostScript Times fonts mag = magnification plain subdirectory ------------------ Name of file fonts page size (cm) Remarks used ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CPMoMu01 1.0 cm 11,7 x 18,9 Monographs and multi-author books (proceedings) CP-EMS 1.1 cm 11,8 x 19 EMS-Series monographs and multi-author books JNS cm 12,2 x 19,4 Articles for the journal - J. of Nonlinear Science LecMono cm/am 12,2 x 19,3 Lecture Notes in Physics, monographs, mag 1.2 LecProc 2.1 cm/am 12,2 x 19,3 Lecture Notes in Physics, proceedings, mag 1.2 MathMult cm 12,2 x 19,4 Proceedings P-AA. 3.0 cm/ps 18(8,8) x 23,6 (formerly AA) Articles for - Astronomie & Astrophysics PJour1 1.0 cm/ps 12,2 x 19,5 Articles for the journals - Acta Informatica - Archive for Mathematical Logic - Communications in Mathematical Physics - Economic Theory - Inventiones Mathematicae - Journal of Mathematical Biology - Manuscripta Mathematica - Mathematische Annalen - Mathematische Zeitschrift - Numerische Mathematik - Probab. Th. and Related Fields - Theoretica Chimica Acta PJour1g 1.0 cm/ps 12,2 x 19,5 Articles for other journals with one-col. layout, such as - A&A Reviews - Calculus of Variation PJour2 1.0 cm/ps 17,8(8,6) x 24 Articles for the journals - Annales Geophysicae - Applied Physics A: Solids and Surfaces - Applied Physics B: Photophysics & Laser Chem. - Biological Cybernetics - Bulletin Geodesique - European Biophysics Journal - Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung - Manuscripta Geodaetica - OR Spektrum - Physics and Chemistry of Minerals - Shock Waves - Zeitschrift fuer Physik A: Hadrons and Nuclei - Zeitschrift fuer Physik B: Condensed Matter - Zeitschrift fuer Physik C: Particles and Fields - Zeitschrift fuer Physik D: Atoms, Molecules & Clusters PJour2g 1.0 cm/ps 17,8(8,6) x 24 Articles for the journals - Multimedia Systems - Machine Visions & Appl. PLNCS 1.1 cm 12,2 x 19,3 Lecture Notes in Computer Science LaTeX subdirectory ------------------ Name of file fonts page size (cm) Remarks used --------------------------------------------------------------------- CLMoMu01 1.0 cm/ps 11,7 x 18,9 Monographs and multi-author books (proceedings) JNSL cm 12,2 x 19,4 Articles for the journal - Journal of Nonlinear Science L-AA 3.0 cm/ps 18(8,8) x 23,6 (formerly LAA) Articles for - Astronomie & Astrophysics LJour1 1.0 cm/ps 12,2 x 19,5 Articles for journals with one-col. layout, see PJour1 and PJour1g LLNCS 1.1 cm 12,2 x 19,3 Lecture Notes in Computer Science LMaMult cm/am 12,2 x 19,4 Proceedings MathSing 1.1 cm 14.2 x 22.8 Monographs, mag 1.2 STeX cm/am var. German books, mag 1.2 AMSTeX subdirectory ------------------- Name of file fonts page size (cm) Remarks used ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AMaMult cm/am 12,2 x 19,4 Proceedings JNLA cm 12,2 x 19,4 Articles for the journal - Journal of Nonlinear Science COPYRIGHT: --------- All macro packages have been developed by Springer-Verlag Heidelberg as a free service to its authors and editors preparing texts for publication by Springer-Verlag. User's guides and macros may be copied and passed on to other Springer authors, but may not be sold or placed on any mailserver other than the one maintained by Springer-Verlag. Our macro packages may not be incorporated into other TeX macro packages or used commercially unless permission has been granted by Springer-Verlag.