pst-diffraction.tex -------- 2.06a 2024-07-15 - small fix in the documentation 2.06 2024-07-10 - fix for missing contrast option for \psdiffractionCircular (Keno Wehr) 2.05 2024-07-10 - removed unused optional argument gamma 2.04a 2024-06-29 - bugfix for the documentation header - removed german and french docs 2.04 2010-01-05 - fix bug with missing \space for keywords from pst-3dplot 2.03 2008-09-03 - fix compatibility bug with pst-3d (\variablesIIID no more valid) 2.02 2007-09-25 - add IIID option for all macros - new option showFunc 2.01 2007-09-13 first CTAN version pst-diffraction.sty -------- 0.01 2007-09-13 first CTAN version