\chapentry {Introduction}{1}{1} \chapentry {Common options}{2}{2} \chapentry {Output of entire files}{3}{3} \secentry {\code {cat}: Concatenate and write files}{3}{1}{3} \secentry {\code {tac}: Concatenate and write files in reverse}{3}{2}{4} \secentry {\code {nl}: Number lines and write files}{3}{3}{4} \secentry {\code {od}: Write files in octal or other formats}{3}{4}{6} \chapentry {Formatting file contents}{4}{9} \secentry {\code {fmt}: Reformat paragraph text}{4}{1}{9} \secentry {\code {pr}: Paginate or columnate files for printing}{4}{2}{10} \secentry {\code {fold}: Wrap input lines to fit in specified width}{4}{3}{12} \chapentry {Output of parts of files}{5}{14} \secentry {\code {head}: Output the first part of files}{5}{1}{14} \secentry {\code {tail}: Output the last part of files}{5}{2}{14} \secentry {\code {split}: Split a file into fixed-size pieces}{5}{3}{16} \secentry {\code {csplit}: Split a file into context-determined pieces}{5}{4}{16} \chapentry {Summarizing files}{6}{19} \secentry {\code {wc}: Print byte, word, and line counts}{6}{1}{19} \secentry {\code {sum}: Print checksum and block counts}{6}{2}{19} \secentry {\code {cksum}: Print CRC checksum and byte counts}{6}{3}{20} \secentry {\code {md5sum}: Print or check message-digests}{6}{4}{20} \chapentry {Operating on sorted files}{7}{22} \secentry {\code {sort}: Sort text files}{7}{1}{22} \secentry {\code {uniq}: Uniqify files}{7}{2}{25} \secentry {\code {comm}: Compare two sorted files line by line}{7}{3}{26} \chapentry {Operating on fields within a line}{8}{27} \secentry {\code {cut}: Print selected parts of lines}{8}{1}{27} \secentry {\code {paste}: Merge lines of files}{8}{2}{27} \secentry {\code {join}: Join lines on a common field}{8}{3}{28} \chapentry {Operating on characters}{9}{30} \secentry {\code {tr}: Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters}{9}{1}{30} \subsecentry {Specifying sets of characters}{9}{1}{1}{30} \subsecentry {Translating}{9}{1}{2}{32} \subsecentry {Squeezing repeats and deleting}{9}{1}{3}{32} \subsecentry {Warning messages}{9}{1}{4}{33} \secentry {\code {expand}: Convert tabs to spaces}{9}{2}{33} \secentry {\code {unexpand}: Convert spaces to tabs}{9}{3}{34} \chapentry {Opening the software toolbox}{10}{35} \unnumbsecentry{Toolbox introduction}{35} \unnumbsecentry{I/O redirection}{36} \unnumbsecentry{The \code {who} command}{36} \unnumbsecentry{The \code {cut} command}{37} \unnumbsecentry{The \code {sort} command}{37} \unnumbsecentry{The \code {uniq} command}{37} \unnumbsecentry{Putting the tools together}{37} \unnumbchapentry {Index}{43}