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Macro Substitution

Some statements in the configuration files need to use the actual values of the attributes supplied with the request. These are:

In these statements the following macros are replaced by the value of corresponding attributes:

(num is a decimal number). This variable is replaced by the value of attribute number `num'. The attribute is looked up in the incoming request pairlist.
This is replaced by the value of attribute named `attr-name'. The attribute is looked up in the incoming request pairlist.
(num is a decimal number). This variable is replaced by the value of attribute number `num'. The attribute is looked up in the reply pairlist.
This is replaced by the value of attribute named `attr-name'. The attribute is looked up in the reply pairlist.
This is replaced by current date/time (localtime).
This is replaced by current date/time in GMT.

The "`{}' form" allows to specify default value for the substitution. The default value will be used when no such attribute is encountered in the pairlist. The syntax for specifying the default value resembles that of shell environment variables.

The substitution %C{attr-name:-defval} is expanded to the value of attr-name attribute, if it is present in the request pairlist, and to defval otherwise. For example:


will return the value of Acct-Session-Time attribute or 0 if it doesn't exist in the request pairlist.

The substitition %C{attr-name:=defval} is expanded to the value of attr-name attribute. If this attribute is not present in the request pairlist, it will be created and assigned the value defval. E.g.:


The substitution %C{attr-name:?message} is expanded to the value of attr-name attribute, if it is present. Otherwise the diagnostic message "attr-name: message" is issued to the log error channel, and string "message" is returned.

The substitition %C{attr-name:+retval} is expanded to empty string if the attribute attr-name is present in the referenced pairlist. Othervise it is expanded to retval.

You can also use the following shortcuts:

Port number
NAS IP address
Framed IP address
User name
Protocol (SLIP/PPP)
Speed (Connect-Info attribute)

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