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ATTRIBUTE statement


    ATTRIBUTE  name  number  type [vendor [flags]]


The ATTRIBUTE statement defines the translation for an attribute. Its parts have the following meaning:

The attribute name.
The attribute ID (number).
The attribute type.
Vendor name for vendor-specific attributes. For usual attributes this field is empty or contains a dash (`-').
Flags, defining attribute properties (see section Attributes).

The attribute property flags consist of a sequence of letters, whose meaning is determined by the following rules: (2)

  1. The attribute usage is described by three pairs of symbols, enclosed in square brackets. Each pair describes how the attribute can be used in each of three configuration files. The first pair corresponds to `raddb/users', the second one corresponds to `raddb/hints', and the third one corresponds to `raddb/huntgroups'. Within each pair, the letter `L' in first position means that the attribute is allowed in LHS of a rule. The letter `R' in second position means that the attribute is allowed in RHS of a rule. The absense of any of these letters is indicated by dash (`-'). Thus, the following usage specification:
    means that the attribute may be used in LHS of a rule in `raddb/users', in RHS of a rule in `raddb/hints', and in both sides of a rule in `raddb/huntgroups'.
  2. The attribute additivity is described by one of the following letters:
    Additivity = Replace
    Additivity = Append
    Additivity = None
  3. The presence of letter `P' in property flags raises the propagation bit.


    ATTRIBUTE  Service-Type  6 integer - [LR-RLR]=P	

This statement assigns the translation string `Service-Type' to the attribute number 6. It allows the use of this attribute in any part of matching rules, except in LHS of a `raddb/hints' rule. The additivity of Service-Type is set to `Replace'. The attribute will be propagated through the proxy chain.

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