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/* Prefix nntp_ is reserved */
#include <mailutils/nntp.h>
Network News Transfer Protocol. Not implemented.
- Function: int nntp_create (nnpt_t *)
- Function: int nntp_destroy (nnpt_t *)
- Function: int nntp_open (nnpt_t)
- Function: int nntp_article (nnpt_t)
- Function: int nntp_body (nntp_t)
- Function: int nntp_group (nntp_t)
- Function: int nntp_head (nntp_t)
- Function: int nntp_help (nntp_t)
- Function: int nntp_ihave (nntp_t)
- Function: int nntp_last (nntp_t)
- Function: int nntp_list (nntp_t)
- Function: int nntp_newgroups (nntp_t)
- Function: int nntp_newnews (nntp_t)
- Function: int nntp_next (nntp_t)
- Function: int nntp_post (nntp_t)
- Function: int nntp_quit (nntp_t)
- Function: int nntp_slave (nntp_t)
- Function: int nntp_stat (nntp_t)
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