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Host Interface

This section describes the Mach interface to a host executing a Mach kernel. The intrface allows it to query statistics about a host and control its behaviour.

A host is represented by two ports, a name port host of type host_t used to query information about the host accessible to everyone and a control port host_priv of type host_priv_t used to manipulate it. For example, you can query the current time over the name port, but to change the time you need to send a message to the host control port.

A send right to the name port of the host a task is running on is available with the mach_host_self system trap. A send right to the host control port is inserted into the first task at bootstrap.

Everything described in this section is declared in the header file `mach.h'.

Host Information

Function: mach_port_t mach_host_self ()
The mach_host_self system call returns the calling thread's host port. It has an effect equivalent to receiving a send right for the host port. mach_host_self returns the name of the send right. In particular, successive calls will increase the calling task's user-reference count for the send right.

As a special exception, the kernel will happily overrun the user reference count of the host name port, so that this function can not fail for that reason. Because of this, the user should not deallocate the port right if an overrun might have happened. Otherwise the reference count could drop to zero and the send right be destroyed while the user still expects to be able to use it. As the kernel does not make use of the number of extant send rights anyway, this is safe to do (the host port itself is never destroyed).

The function returns MACH_PORT_NULL if a resource shortage prevented the reception of the send right.

This function is also available in `mach/mach_traps.h'.

Function: kern_return_t host_info (mach_port_t host, int flavor, host_info_t host_info, mach_msg_type_number_t *host_infoCnt)
The host_info function returns various information about host. host_info is an array of integers that is supplied by the caller, and filled with specified information. host_infoCnt is supplied as the maximum number of integers in host_info. On return, it contains the actual number of integers in host_info.

The type of information returned is defined by flavor, which can be one of the following:

The function returns basic information about the host, as defined by host_basic_info_t. This includes the number of processors, their type, and the amount of memory installed in the system. The number of integers returned is HOST_BASIC_INFO_COUNT.
The function returns the numbers of the slots with active processors in them. The number of integers returned can be up to max_cpus, as returned by the HOT_BASIC_INFO flavor of host_info.
The function returns information of interest to schedulers as defined by host_sched_info_t. The number of integers returned is HOST_SCHED_INFO_COUNT.

The function returns KERN_SUCCESS if the call succeeded and KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT if host is not a host or flavor is not recognized. The function returns MIG_ARRAY_TOO_LARGE if the returned info array is too large for host_info. In this case, host_info is filled as much as possible and host_infoCnt is set to the number of elements that would be returned if there were enough room.

Data type: struct host_basic_info
A pointer to this structure is returned in host_info by the host_info function and provides basic information about the host. You can cast a variable of type host_info_t to a pointer of this type if you provided it as the host_info parameter for the HOST_BASIC_INFO flavor of host_info. It has the following members:

int max_cpus
maximum possible cpus for which kernel is configured
int avail_cpus
number of cpus now available
vm_size_t memory_size
size of memory in bytes
cpu_type_t cpu_type
cpu type
cpu_subtype_t cpu_subtype
cpu subtype

Data type: host_basic_info_t
This is a pointer to a struct host_basic_info.

Data type: struct host_sched_info
A pointer to this structure is returned in host_info by the host_info function and provides information of interest to schedulers. You can cast a variable of type host_info_t to a pointer of this type if you provided it as the host_info parameter for the HOST_SCHED_INFO flavor of host_info. It has the following members:

int min_timeout
minimum timeout in milliseconds
int min_quantum
minimum quantum in milliseconds

Data type: host_sched_info_t
This is a pointer to a struct host_sched_info.

Function: kern_return_t host_kernel_version (mach_port_t host, kernel_version_t *version)
The host_kernel_version function returns the version string compiled into the kernel executing on host at the time it was built in the character string version. This string describes the version of the kernel. The constant KERNEL_VERSION_MAX should be used to dimension storage for the returned string if the kernel_version_t declaration is not used.

If the version string compiled into the kernel is longer than KERNEL_VERSION_MAX, the result is truncated and not necessarily null-terminated.

If host is not a valid send right to a host port, the function returns KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT. If version points to inaccessible memory, it returns KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS, and KERN_SUCCESS otherwise.

Function: kern_return_t host_get_boot_info (mach_port_t host_priv, kernel_boot_info_t boot_info)
The host_get_boot_info function returns the boot-time information string supplied by the operator to the kernel executing on host_priv in the character string boot_info. The constant KERNEL_BOOT_INFO_MAX should be used to dimension storage for the returned string if the kernel_boot_info_t declaration is not used.

If the boot-time information string supplied by the operator is longer than KERNEL_BOOT_INFO_MAX, the result is truncated and not necessarily null-terminated.

Host Time

Data type: time_value_t
This is the representation of a time in Mach. It is a struct time_value and consists of the following members:

integer_t seconds
The number of seconds.
integer_t microseconds
The number of microseconds.

The number of microseconds should always be smaller than TIME_MICROS_MAX (100000). A time with this property is normalized. Normalized time values can be manipulated with the following macros:

Macro: time_value_add_usec (time_value_t *val, integer_t *micros)
Add micros microseconds to val. If val is normalized and micros smaller than TIME_MICROS_MAX, val will be normalized afterwards.

Macro: time_value_add (time_value_t *result, time_value_t *addend)
Add the values in addend to result. If both are normalized, result will be normalized afterwards.

A variable of type time_value_t can either represent a duration or a fixed point in time. In the latter case, it shall be interpreted as the number of seconds and microseconds after the epoch 1. Jan 1970.

Function: kern_return_t host_get_time (mach_port_t host, time_value_t *current_time)
Get the current time as seen by host. On success, the time passed since the epoch is returned in current_time.

Function: kern_return_t host_set_time (mach_port_t host_priv, time_value_t new_time)
Set the time of host_priv to new_time.

Function: kern_return_t host_adjust_time (mach_port_t host_priv, time_value_t new_adjustment, time_value_t *old_adjustment)
Arrange for the current time as seen by host_priv to be gradually changed by the adjustment value new_adjustment, and return the old adjustment value in old_adjustment.

For efficiency, the current time is available through a mapped-time interface.

Data type: mapped_time_value_t
This structure defines the mapped-time interface. It has the following members:

integer_t seconds
The number of seconds.
integer_t microseconds
The number of microseconds.
integer_t check_seconds
This is a copy of the seconds value, which must be used to protect against a race condition when reading out the two time values.

Here is an example how to read out the current time using the mapped-time interface:

    secs = mtime->seconds;
    usecs = mtime->microseconds;
while (secs != mtime->check_seconds);

Host Reboot

Function: kern_return_t host_reboot (mach_port_t host_priv, int options)
Reboot the host specified by host_priv. The argument options specifies the flags. The available flags are specified in `sys/reboot.h':

Do not reboot, but halt the machine.
Do not reboot, but enter kernel debugger from user space.

If successful, the function might not return.

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