[Top] [Contents] [Index] [ ? ]

Short Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Common options
3. Output of entire files
4. Formatting file contents
5. Output of parts of files
6. Summarizing files
7. Operating on sorted files
8. Operating on fields within a line
9. Operating on characters
10. Directory listing
11. Basic operations
12. Special file types
13. Changing file attributes
14. Disk usage
15. Printing text
16. Conditions
17. Redirection
18. File name manipulation
19. Working context
20. User information
21. System context
22. Modified command invocation
23. Process control
24. Delaying
25. Numeric operations
26. File permissions
27. Date input formats
28. Opening the Software Toolbox
A. GNU Free Documentation License

This document was generated by Jeff Bailey on December, 28 2002 using texi2html