The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Bibliography of The Computer Journal

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Number of references:3850Last update:August 24, 2006
Number of online publications:3819Supported:yes
Most recent reference:September 2006 Info:Version 1.51

Information on the Bibliography

Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe @ math . utah . edu> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Center for Scientific Computing
Department of Mathematics
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
This is a preliminary bibliography of The Computer Journal (1958–date), the journal of the British Computer Society.
British Computer Society, Computer Journal
Author Comments:
The journal was published quarterly from 1958 to 1984, five times a year in 1985, six times a year from 1986 to 1992, eight times in 1993, ten times a year from 1994 to 1997, eight times a year from 1998 to 1999, and six times a year from 2000 to date.
The journal maintains a World-Wide Web site at \beginblockquote \endblockquote That site offers tables of contents and abstracts for journal articles, starting with Volume 39 (1996). URL values in the bibliography entries below provide pointers to the abstracts.
The journal online edition Web site at may have more recent information about the journal contents. It includes tables of contents and abstracts for volume 35 (1992) onward, but regrettably, no page number information at all.
Coverage is essentially complete for volumes 1–16 (1958–1973), thanks to the publisher's provision of scanned page images and bibliographic data for those volumes, except for a small number of discrepancies recorded in xxnote fields, and book reviews that are not recorded in the publisher's tables of contents.
Coverage should also be complete for volumes 35–date (1992–date), again thanks to the publisher's provision of scanned page images and/or article PDF files, and bibliographic data for those volumes, except for a small number of discrepancies recorded in xxnote field, several missing page numbers, and book reviews that are not recorded in the publisher's tables of contents.
Mutual cross references have been provided between articles and letters, so that citing the initial publication will automatically include citations that refer back to it with comments, notes, and errata. The consistency of these cross references has been ensured by a separate utility program.
Algorithm coverage is complete for Algorithms 1–9, 16–33, and 35–128. I have been unable to locate Algorithms 10–15, although there are references to them. Perhaps they appeared in the companion publication, The Computer Bulletin, but were never republished in The Computer Journal, as Algorithms 1–9 were. Algorithm 34 is in volume 11, number 2, pp. 232–235, but the TIFF files for those pages are corrupted. Algorithm number 69 was mistakenly assigned twice: in volume 14, number 2, pp. 213–214, and volume 14, number 4, pp. 444–445. Algorithm 82 was mistakenly unnumbered in volume 17, number 4, pp. 377–378.

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Bibliographic Statistics

article(3807), book(39), proceedings(3), inproceedings(1)
title(3850), year(3850), pages(3849), bibdate(3846), author(3839), acknowledgement(3838), volume(3815), issn(3811), coden(3810), journal(3807), number(3806), url(3789), month(3780), keywords(2085), classcodes(2009), corpsource(1856), treatment(1796), classification(1397), affiliation(789), thesaurus(498), affiliationaddress(363), note(342), author-1-adr(326), author-2-adr(247), mrclass(176), mrnumber(176), mrnumber-url(176), email-1(151), doi(129), doi-url(129), author-3-adr(112), abstract(66), annote(44), address(43), publisher(43), isbn(41), isbn-13(41), lccn(41), email-2(39), subject(37), author-4-adr(31), series(19), xxnote(17), language(15), reviewer(15), editor(11), email-3(10), key(10), author-5-adr(9), tableofcontents(8), conference(7), meetingaddress(7), meetingdate(7), meetingdate2(7), comment(5), author-6-adr(4), owner(4), booktitle(3), edition(3), referred(3), remark(3), xxauthor(3), checked(2), date(2), descriptors(2), enum(2), institution(2), keyword(2), numericalindex(2), pubcountry(2), references(2), review(2), author-7-adr(1), conferenceyear(1), conflocation(1), conftitle(1), editoraddress(1), editoraffiliation(1), email-4(1), howpublished(1), location(1), revision(1), semno(1), summary(1)
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