NAME Dancer::Session::KiokuDB - KiokuDB Dancer session backend VERSION version 0.05 SYNOPSIS # in your Dancer app: setting session => 'KiokuDB'; setting kiokudb_backend => 'DBI'; setting kiokudb_backend_opts => { dsn => 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=mydb.sqlite', }; # or in your Dancer config file: session: 'KiokuDB' kiokudb_backend: 'DBI' kiokudb_backend_opts: dsn: 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=mydb.sqlite' DESCRIPTION When you want to save session information, you can pick from various session backends, and they each determine how the session information will be saved. You can use Dancer::Session::Cookie, Dancer::Session::MongoDB or... you use Dancer::Session::KiokuDB. This backend uses KiokuDB to save and access session data. OPTIONS kiokudb_backend A string which specifies what backend to use, under "KiokuDB::Backend", that means that backend *DBI* will be "KiokuDB::Backend::DBI". If you'll get smart and provide *KiokuDB::Backend::Cool*, you'll get "KiokuDB::Backend::KiokuDB::Backend::Cool", which is, evidently, not cool! :) Not mandatory. The default backend is KiokuDB::Backend::Hash. kiokudb_backend_opts A hash reference which indicates options you want to send to the backend's "new()" method. Not mandatory. The default opts are "<create =" 1>>. If you do not want it to automatically create, set: # in your app set kiokudb_backend_opts => { create => 0, ... }; # or in your configuration kiokudb_backend_opts: create: 0 SUBROUTINES/METHODS init Initializes the object by loading the proper KiokuDB backend and creating the initial connection. create Creates a new object, runs "flush" and returns the object. flush Writes the session information to the KiokuDB session database. retrieve Retrieves session information from the KiokuDB session database. destroy Deletes session information from the KiokuDB session database. SEE ALSO The Dancer Advent Calendar 2010. AUTHOR Sawyer X <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Sawyer X. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.