Test::Leaner - A slimmer Test::More for when you favor performance over

    Version 0.05

        use Test::Leaner tests => 10_000;
        for (1 .. 10_000) {
         is $one, 1, "checking situation $_";

    When profiling some Test::More-based test script that contained about 10
    000 unit tests, I realized that 60% of the time was spent in
    Test::Builder itself, even though every single test actually involved a
    costly "eval STRING".

    This module aims to be a partial replacement to Test::More in those
    situations where you want to run a large number of simple tests. Its
    functions behave the same as their Test::More counterparts, except for
    the following differences :

    *   Stringification isn't forced on the test operands. However, "ok"
        honors 'bool' overloading, "is" and "is_deeply" honor 'eq'
        overloading (and just that one), "isnt" honors 'ne' overloading, and
        "cmp_ok" honors whichever overloading category corresponds to the
        specified operator.

    *   "pass", "fail", "ok", "is", "isnt", "like", "unlike", "cmp_ok" and
        "is_deeply" are all guaranteed to return the truth value of the

    *   "isn't" (the sub "t" in package "isn") is not aliased to "isnt".

    *   "like" and "unlike" don't special case regular expressions that are
        passed as '/.../' strings. A string regexp argument is always
        treated as the source of the regexp, making "like $text, $rx" and
        "like $text, qr[$rx]" equivalent to each other and to "cmp_ok $text,
        '=~', $rx" (and likewise for "unlike").

    *   "cmp_ok" throws an exception if the given operator isn't a valid
        Perl binary operator (except '=' and variants). It also tests in
        scalar context, so '..' will be treated as the flip-flop operator
        and not the range operator.

    *   "is_deeply" doesn't guard for memory cycles. If the two first
        arguments present parallel memory cycles, the test may result in an
        infinite loop.

    *   The tests don't output any kind of default diagnostic in case of
        failure ; the rationale being that if you have a large number of
        tests and a lot of them are failing, then you don't want to be
        flooded by diagnostics. Moreover, this allows a much faster variant
        of "is_deeply".

    *   "use_ok", "require_ok", "can_ok", "isa_ok", "new_ok", "subtest",
        "explain", "TODO" blocks and "todo_skip" are not implemented.

    If this environment variable is set, Test::Leaner will replace its
    functions by those from Test::More. Moreover, the symbols that are
    imported when you "use Test::Leaner" will be those from Test::More, but
    you can still only import the symbols originally defined in Test::Leaner
    (hence the functions from Test::More that are not implemented in
    Test::Leaner will not be imported). If your version of Test::More is too
    old and doesn't have some symbols (like "note" or "done_testing"), they
    will be replaced in Test::Leaner by croaking stubs.

    This may be useful if your Test::Leaner-based test script fails and you
    want extra diagnostics.

    The following functions from Test::More are implemented and exported by

        plan tests => $count;
        plan 'no_plan';
        plan skip_all => $reason;

    See "plan" in Test::More.

        skip $reason => $count;

    See "skip" in Test::More.

        done_testing $count;

    See "done_testing" in Test::More.

        ok $ok;
        ok $ok, $desc;

    See "ok" in Test::More.

        pass $desc;

    See "pass" in Test::More.

        fail $desc;

    See "fail" in Test::More.

        is $got, $expected;
        is $got, $expected, $desc;

    See "is" in Test::More.

        isnt $got, $expected;
        isnt $got, $expected, $desc;

    See "isnt" in Test::More.

        like $got, $regexp_expected;
        like $got, $regexp_expected, $desc;

    See "like" in Test::More.

        unlike $got, $regexp_expected;
        unlike $got, $regexp_expected, $desc;

    See "unlike" in Test::More.

        cmp_ok $got, $op, $expected;
        cmp_ok $got, $op, $expected, $desc;

    See "cmp_ok" in Test::More.

        is_deeply $got, $expected;
        is_deeply $got, $expected, $desc;

    See "is_deeply" in Test::More.

        diag @lines;

    See "diag" in Test::More.

        note @lines;

    See "note" in Test::More.

        BAIL_OUT $desc;

    See "BAIL_OUT" in Test::More.

    Test::Leaner also provides some functions of its own, which are never

        my $tap_fh = tap_stream;
        tap_stream $fh;

    Read/write accessor for the filehandle to which the tests are outputted.
    On write, it also turns autoflush on onto $fh.

    Note that it can only be used as a write accessor before you start any
    thread, as threads::shared cannot reliably share filehandles.

    Defaults to "STDOUT".

        my $diag_fh = diag_stream;
        diag_stream $fh;

    Read/write accessor for the filehandle to which the diagnostics are
    printed. On write, it also turns autoflush on onto $fh.

    Just like "tap_stream", it can only be used as a write accessor before
    you start any thread, as threads::shared cannot reliably share

    Defaults to "STDERR".

    This constant evaluates to true if and only if Test::Leaner is
    thread-safe, i.e. when this version of "perl" is at least 5.8, has been
    compiled with "useithreads" defined, and threads has been loaded before
    Test::Leaner. In that case, it also needs a working threads::shared.

    perl 5.6.

    Exporter, Test::More.

    Vincent Pit, "<perl at>", <>.

    You can contact me by mail or on "" (vincent).

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-test-leaner at", or through the web interface at
    <>. I will be
    notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your
    bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc Test::Leaner

    Copyright 2010,2011,2013 Vincent Pit, all rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    Except for the fallback implementation of the internal "_reftype"
    function, which has been taken from Scalar::Util and is

    Copyright 1997-2007 Graham Barr, all rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.