This is the README for CPAN::SQLite, which is used for setting up, maintaining, and searching through a local CPAN database consisting of information in the three main CPAN index files: $CPAN/modules/ $CPAN/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz $CPAN/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz DBD::SQLite is used as the database engine. Installation proceeds through the usual perl Makefile.PL $MAKE $MAKE test $MAKE install or, if Module::Build is available, perl Build.PL perl Build perl Build test perl Build install The package consists of a number of modules: CPAN::SQLite: the top-level package CPAN::SQLite::Index: set up and maintain the database CPAN::SQLite::Info: extract information from the CPAN indices CPAN::SQLite::META: helper module for integration CPAN::SQLite::State: gather information on the state of the database CPAN::SQLite::Search: methods to search the database CPAN::SQLite::Populate: populate the database tables CPAN::SQLite::DBI: DBI information for the database CPAN::SQLite::DBI::Index: DBI information for indexing the database CPAN::SQLite::DBI:Search: DBI information for searching the database See the pod documentation of the specific modules for details. Perhaps the easiest way to set up and maintain the database is through the supplied cpandb script. If we assume that there is a client available and configured, the database can be created via cpandb --setup which will create the database file cpandb.sql under the "cpan_home" defined in CPAN::Config (this is the same location as where's Metadata is found). Subsequent updates to the database can be done through cpandb --update This scenario assumes that updates to the CPAN index files are handled by The cpandb script also provides some elementary searches: cpandb --module My::Module cpandb --dist My-Dist cpandb --cpanid ME which will provide some information on, respectively, the specified CPAN module, distribution, and CPAN author id. The query terms are assumed to match exactly, and are case-insensitive. As of version 1.88_65, there is experimental support within for using CPAN::SQLite to obtain information on packages, modules, and authors. One goal of this is to reduce the memory footprint of the shell, as this information is no longer all preloaded into memory. This can be enabled through perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> o conf use_sqlite 1 This version is considered alpha. Please report bugs and feature requests to CPAN's request tracker: or directly to the author. Development takes place at This software is copyright 2006 by Randy Kobes <>. Use and redistribution are under the same terms as Perl itself.