# NAME Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::TidyAll - Adds a tidyall test to your distro # VERSION version 0.04 # SYNOPSIS [Test::TidyAll] # DESCRIPTION This is a [Dist::Zilla](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dist::Zilla) plugin that create a tidyall test in your distro using [Test::Code::TidyAll](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Code::TidyAll)'s `tidyall_ok` sub. [Code::TidyAll](https://metacpan.org/pod/Code::TidyAll) `0.24` and [Test::More](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::More) `0.88` will be added as `develop requires` dependencies. # NAME Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::TidyAll # CONFIGURATION This plugin accepts the following configuration options: ## conf\_file If this is provided, it will be passed to the `tidyall_ok` sub. Note that you must provide a configuration file, either by using one of the default files that [Test::Code::TidyAll](https://metacpan.org/pod/Test::Code::TidyAll) looks for, or by providing another file via this option. ## minimum\_perl If set, then this test will be skipped when run on Perls older than the one asked for. This is needed if you want to test your distribution on Perls where some of your tidyall plugins cannot run. Note that this will be compared to `$]` so you should pass a version like `5.010`, not a v-string like `v5.10`. ## jobs Set this to a value greater than one to enable parallel testing. This default to 1. Note that parallel testing requires [Parallel::ForkManager](https://metacpan.org/pod/Parallel::ForkManager). ## verbose If this is true, then the verbose flag is set to true when calling `tidyall_ok`. # TEST\_TIDYALL\_VERBOSE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE If you set the `TEST_TIDYALL_VERBOSE` environment variable (to any value, true or false), then this value takes precedence over the `verbose` setting for the plugin. If you set the `TEST_TIDYALL_JOBS` environment variable (to any value, true or false), then this value takes precedence over the `jobs` setting for the plugin. # WHAT TO IGNORE IN YOUR TIDYALL CONFIG Many other plugins also add files to the final distro, and these may not pass your tidyall checks. You will need to ignore these files files in your tidyall config. Because of the way tidyall works, you'll also want to ignore the `blib` directory. Here is a suggested set of `ignore` directives for a dzil-based distro. ignore = t/00-* ignore = t/author-* ignore = t/release-* ignore = blib/**/* ignore = .build/**/* ignore = {{Your-Plugin-Name}}*/**/* This presumes that you will not create any tests of your own that start with "00-". # SUPPORT Bugs may be submitted through [the RT bug tracker](http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-TidyAll) (or [bug-dist-zilla-plugin-test-tidyall@rt.cpan.org](mailto:bug-dist-zilla-plugin-test-tidyall@rt.cpan.org)). I am also usually active on IRC as 'drolsky' on `irc://irc.perl.org`. # DONATIONS If you'd like to thank me for the work I've done on this module, please consider making a "donation" to me via PayPal. I spend a lot of free time creating free software, and would appreciate any support you'd care to offer. Please note that **I am not suggesting that you must do this** in order for me to continue working on this particular software. I will continue to do so, inasmuch as I have in the past, for as long as it interests me. Similarly, a donation made in this way will probably not make me work on this software much more, unless I get so many donations that I can consider working on free software full time (let's all have a chuckle at that together). To donate, log into PayPal and send money to autarch@urth.org, or use the button at [http://www.urth.org/~autarch/fs-donation.html](http://www.urth.org/~autarch/fs-donation.html). # AUTHOR Dave Rolsky <autarch@urth.org> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016 by Dave Rolsky. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)