Geo::Location::Point - Location information


Version 0.10


Geo::Location::Point stores a place.

    use Geo::Location::Point;

    my $location = Geo::Location::Point->new(latitude => 0.01, longitude => -71);


## new

    $location = Geo::Location::Point->new({ latitude => 0.01, longitude => -71 });

Takes one optional argument 'key' which is an API key for [https://timezonedb.com](https://timezonedb.com) for looking up timezone data.

## lat

    print 'Latitude: ', $location->lat(), "\n";
    print 'Longitude: ', $location->long(), "\n";

## latitude

Synonym for lat().

## long

    print 'Latitude: ', $location->lat(), "\n";
    print 'Longitude: ', $location->long(), "\n";

## longitude

Synonym for long().

## distance

Determine the distance between two locations,
returns a [Class::Measure::Length](https://metacpan.org/pod/Class%3A%3AMeasure%3A%3ALength) object.

## equal

Are two points the same?

    my $loc1 = Geo::Location::Point->new(lat => 2, long => 2);
    my $loc2 = Geo::Location::Point->new(lat => 2, long => 2);
    print ($loc1 == $loc2), "\n";       # Prints 1

## not\_equal

Are two points different?

    my $loc1 = Geo::Location::Point->new(lat => 2, long => 2);
    my $loc2 = Geo::Location::Point->new(lat => 2, long => 2);
    print ($loc1 != $loc2), "\n";       # Prints 0

## tz

Returns the timezone of the location.

## timezone

Synonym for tz().

## as\_string

Prints the object in human-readable format.

## attr

Get/set location attributes, e.g. city

    print $location->as_string(), "\n";
    print "$location\n";        # Calls as_string

Because of the way that the cache works, the location() value is cleared by this, so
you may wish to manually all location() afterwards to set the value.


Nigel Horne <njh@bandsman.co.uk>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.





Copyright 2019-2023 Nigel Horne.

The program code is released under the following licence: GPL2 for personal use on a single computer.
All other users (including Commercial, Charity, Educational, Government)
must apply in writing for a licence for use from Nigel Horne at \`&lt;njh at nigelhorne.com>\`.