NAME Test::Unit::Lite - Unit testing without external dependencies SYNOPSIS Bundling the Test::Unit::Lite as a part of package distribution: perl -MTest::Unit::Lite -e bundle Running all test units: perl -MTest::Unit::Lite -e all_tests Using as a replacement for Test::Unit: package FooBarTest; use Test::Unit::Lite; # unnecessary if module isn't directly used use base 'Test::Unit::TestCase'; sub new { my $self = shift()->SUPER::new(@_); # your state for fixture here return $self; } sub set_up { # provide fixture } sub tear_down { # clean up after test } sub test_foo { my $self = shift; my $obj = ClassUnderTest->new(...); $self->assert_not_null($obj); $self->assert_equals('expected result', $obj->foo); $self->assert(qr/pattern/, $obj->foobar); } sub test_bar { # test the bar feature } DESCRIPTION This framework provides lighter version of Test::Unit framework. It implements some of the Test::Unit classes and methods needed to run test units. The Test::Unit::Lite tries to be compatible with public API of Test::Unit. It doesn't implement all classes and methods at 100% and only those necessary to run tests are available. The Test::Unit::Lite can be distributed as a part of package distribution, so the package can be distributed without dependency on modules outside standard Perl distribution. The Test::Unit::Lite is provided as a single file. Bundling the Test::Unit::Lite as a part of package distribution The Test::Unit::Lite framework can be bundled to the package distribution. Then the Test::Unit::Lite module is copied to the inc directory of the source directory for the package distribution. FUNCTIONS bundle Copies Test::Unit::Lite modules into inc directory. Creates missing subdirectories if needed. Silently overwrites previous module if was existing. all_tests Creates new test runner for Test::Unit::Lite::AllTests suite which searches for test units in t/tlib directory. CLASSES Test::Unit::TestCase This is a base class for single unit test module. The user's unit test module can override the default methods that are simple stubs. The MESSAGE argument is optional and is included to the default error message when the assertion is false. new The default constructor which just bless an empty anonymous hash reference. set_up This method is called at the start of each test unit processing. It is empty method and can be overrided in derived class. tear_down This method is called at the end of each test unit processing. It is empty method and can be overrided in derived class. list_tests Returns the list of test methods in this class. fail([MESSAGE]) Immediate fail the test. assert(ARG [, MESSAGE]) Checks if ARG expression returns true value. assert_null(ARG [, MESSAGE]) assert_not_null(ARG [, MESSAGE]) Checks if ARG is defined or not defined. assert_equals(ARG1, ARG2 [, MESSAGE]) assert_not_equals(ARG1, ARG2 [, MESSAGE]) Checks if ARG1 and ARG2 are equals or not equals. If ARG1 and ARG2 look like numbers then they are compared with '==' operator, otherwise the string 'eq' operator is used. assert_num_equals(ARG1, ARG2 [, MESSAGE]) assert_num_not_equals(ARG1, ARG2 [, MESSAGE]) Force numeric comparition. assert_str_equals(ARG1, ARG2 [, MESSAGE]) assert_str_not_equals(ARG1, ARG2 [, MESSAGE]) Force string comparition. assert(qr/PATTERN/, ARG [, MESSAGE]) assert_matches(qr/PATTERN/, ARG [, MESSAGE]) assert_does_not_match(qr/PATTERN/, ARG [, MESSAGE]) Checks if ARG matches PATTER regexp. assert_deep_equals(ARG1, ARG2 [, MESSAGE]) assert_deep_not_equals(ARG1, ARG2 [, MESSAGE]) Check if reference ARG1 is a deep copy of reference ARG2 or not. The references can be deep structure. If they are different, the message will display the place where they start differing. Test::Unit::TestSuite This is a base class for test suite, which groups several test units. empty_new([NAME]) Creates a fresh suite with no tests. new([CLASS | TEST]) Creates a test suite from unit test name or class. If a test suite is provided as the argument, it merely returns that suite. If a test case is provided, it extracts all test case methods (see Test::Unit::TestCase->list_test) from the test case into a new test suite. name Contains the name of the current test suite. units Contains the list of test units. add_test([TEST_CLASSNAME | TEST_OBJECT]) Adds the test object to a suite. count_test_cases Returns the number of test cases in this suite. run Runs the test suite and output the results as TAP report. Test::Unit::TestRunner This is the test runner which outputs text report about finished test suite. new([$fh_out [, $fh_err]]) The constructor for whole test framework. Its optional parameters are filehandles for standard output and error messages. fh_out Contains the filehandle for standard output. fh_err Contains the filehandle for error messages. suite Contains the test suite object. print_header Called before running test suite. print_error Called after test unit is failed. print_pass Called after test unit is passed. print_footer Called after running test suite. start(TEST_SUITE) Starts the test suite. Test::Unit::Result This object contains the results of test suite. new Creates a new object. messages Contains the array of result messages. The single message is a hash which contains: test the test unit name, type the type of message (PASS or ERROR), message the text of message. errors Contains the number of collected errors. passes Contains the number of collected passes. add_error(TEST, MESSAGE) Adds an error to the report. add_pass(TEST, MESSAGE) Adds a pass to the report. Test::Unit::HarnessUnit This is the test runner which outputs in the same format that Test::Harness expects (Test Anything Protocol). It is derived from Test::Unit::TestRunner. Test::Unit::Debug The empty class which is provided for compatibility with original Test::Unit framework. Test::Unit::Lite::AllTests The test suite which searches for test units in t/tlib directory. COMPATIBILITY Test::Unit::Lite should be compatible with public API of Test::Unit. The Test::Unit::Lite also has some known incompatibilities: * The test methods are sorted alphabetically. * It implements new assertion method: assert_deep_not_equals. * Does not support ok, assert(CODEREF, @ARGS) and multi_assert. EXAMPLES t/tlib/ This is the simple unit test module. package SuccessTest; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Test::Unit::TestCase'; sub test_success { my $self = shift; $self->assert(1); } 1; t/all_tests.t This is the test script for Test::Harness called with "make test". #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use Cwd; BEGIN { unshift @INC, map { /(.*)/; $1 } split(/:/, $ENV{PERL5LIB}) if defined $ENV{PERL5LIB} and ${^TAINT}; my $cwd = ${^TAINT} ? do { local $_=getcwd; /(.*)/; $1 } : '.'; unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 'inc'); unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 'lib'); } use Test::Unit::Lite; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { require Carp; Carp::confess("Warning: $_[0]") }; Test::Unit::HarnessUnit->new->start('Test::Unit::Lite::AllTests'); t/ This is the optional script for calling test suite directly. #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use File::Spec; use Cwd; BEGIN { chdir dirname(__FILE__) or die "$!"; chdir '..' or die "$!"; unshift @INC, map { /(.*)/; $1 } split(/:/, $ENV{PERL5LIB}) if defined $ENV{PERL5LIB} and ${^TAINT}; my $cwd = ${^TAINT} ? do { local $_=getcwd; /(.*)/; $1 } : '.'; unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 'inc'); unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 'lib'); } use Test::Unit::Lite; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { require Carp; Carp::confess("Warning: $_[0]") }; all_tests; This is perl equivalent of shell command line: perl -Iinc -Ilib -MTest::Unit::Lite -w -e all_tests SEE ALSO Test::Unit, Test::Unit::TestCase, Test::Unit::TestSuite, Test::Unit::Assert, Test::Unit::TestRunner, Test::Unit::HarnessUnit. TESTS The Test::Unit::Lite was tested as a Test::Unit replacement for following distributions: Test::C2FIT, XAO::Base, Exception::Base. BUGS If you find the bug or need new feature, please report it. AUTHOR Piotr Roszatycki <> LICENSE Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 by Piotr Roszatycki <>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See <>