NAME SPOPSx::Tool::HashField - A SPOPS extension for the storage of complex objects SYNOPSIS %conf = ( table_alias => { # ... yaml_fields => [ qw/ arguments locals results / ], # ... } ); DESCRIPTION This allows for the storage of Perl aggregate types in a database field. This uses YAML to perform the marshalling and unmarshalling. This is handy because you can use third-party tools to update the stored data with relative ease and the data is readable even in other languages that have a YAML model. The data structure can be arbritraily deep. INSTALLATION Just the typical install tricks will do: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install or: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Take your pick. SEE ALSO SPOPS, YAML AUTHOR Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp, <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2005 Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp. All Rights Reserved. Contentment is distributed and licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.